Defines what the product does, services it provides, key components, and core features.
Defines features by stating them from the perspective of the user’s role(s), and goals.
Define the underlying principles used to constrain the problem space.
Created using Omnigraffle,
Visio, or other similar wireframing tools.
Design tools used include the Adobe Suite of creative tools
This level of fidelity is appropriate early in the design cycle, when speed and ease of creation is the priority. It is useful for exploring many different designs quickly or for detecting and fixing major problems in a design early. Low fidelity prototypes could consist of sketches and placeholders to convey high level concepts. Basic functionality can be simulated using a series of static images to give the illusion of interactivity. However, screen elements are “baked” into the images, which limits interaction. This method is primarily useful for getting feedback on user flows, expectations, “look and feel,” and overall tone. Since prototypes are typically more visual, they can usually be created by the designer.
Software packages used for this level of prototyping include Axure and
“Proof-of-concept” functionality is created using HTML, CSS, and Javascript to create a working, but simple software prototypes. Prototypes made at this fidelity are best used to test screen elements to give users a truer sense of interaction with the interface. Basic aesthetics (no branding) and an intermediate level of functionality are created using font-end web development frameworks to facilitate faster and easier development, such as Bootstrap, D3, and others. Canned data is typically used with no data validation. Since front end developers are required, more effort and development time need to be budgeted into the project. Prototypes created at this level of fidelity can represent entire user flows and screen progressions, and can be leveraged later in the process during software implementation.
Technologies used for this level of prototyping include HTML5,
CSS3, and
Similar to proof-of-concept prototypes, front-end developers are engaged in creating a more fully functional prototype that is closer to the final product. Interaction and visual design elements are more complete and reflect more realistic interaction and visual design in order to better express the intended tone, personality, and identity of the final project. Prototypes may even be connected to real data on the back-end. This level of prototype is typically used later in the design cycle when designs are more refined because it requires the largest investment in time and effort, but is typically extended into into the final product as an alpha release.
Technologies used for this level of prototyping include HTML5,
CSS3, and
User testing can be conducted to test and evaluate prototypes at any level of fidelity. The findings can be used iteratively with the Design and Develop Phases to refine, improve, and validate designs until user feedback converges to align with the scope of the project. The combination of user feedback, heuristic evaluation, and expert review should incorporate the best concepts from all previous phases into a single design that meets the specified requirements.
In addition to the use of heuristics, expert reviews also focus on evaluating the system within the context of the scenarios set up by the personas and use cases defined earlier. This Cognitive Walkthrough method incorporates a task analysis of the steps the persona would take to achieve their goal. An important skill for an expert to have is to approach the product from the perspective of the persona, rather than through his/her own, to provide an objective analysis.
Usability findings should be summarized and organized into related categories. A severity rating should be given for each finding, with a prioritization of the most egregious issues, based on the business needs. Then, a recommendation for how to remedy the issue is provided for the next design iteration. Finally, the design should be rated based on an objective evaluation metric against similar offerings, ideally scoring higher than the competition.
Once an agreed-upon design has been selected and approved by all stakeholders, a functional specification document would be created by the design team to ensure the desired intent is followed during implementation. The design team would stay involved during software implementation to ensure the product is being built as designed and answer any questions. This includes participation in the Scrum process in an Agile environment. The design team will work closely with software engineers to fully build and deploy the software using Agile methodologies.
Once a fully functional software package has been implemented, the design team will work with the Quality Assurance team and the Product Manager to minimize software bugs before release.